Went to the hospital this Monday for an ERA test. I found out in August that I'm pregnant, but was waiting until the end of the first trimester before I told a lot of people. At this point it's pretty obvious. If someone didn't notice that my stomach looks like I swallowed a spaghetti squash, then the constant running away from my desk for either food or the ladies room should have tipped them off. Going through the first two months during the dog days of summer was no picnic. I was either nauseous, ravenous, or so dead tired that I couldn't hold a fork. Now I'm feeling better, except for a head cold, and seeing our first ultra sound scan makes me feel a lot better. The second the image came up on the monitor, the baby started showing off, throwing jabs and gulping amniotic fluid. I tried to post the scan but it wouldn't upload to Blogger's server. I'm too big in the stomach for most of my clothes, but all the maternity clothes seem designed for nine-months pregnant linebackers with a fetish for really big prints. So far the worst part is having to stop going to kung fu for what will probably be at least nine months, but the best part is knowing there's a tiny proto-person squirming around inside your abdomen.

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