I don't know how they roll in Malden, but if someone tried this in Salem waiting for the 7:29, they would probably get thrown onto the tracks. We Salemites are nice enough people, but we don't take no shit. If someone got there ahead of you and stands a slightly better chance of securing a berth on the next train, then you should have gotten up earlier.
So the pushy lady starts digging around in her enormous tote bag for her sunglasses, finds them and then shoves this 2 foot wide bag over her shoulder, knocking into the book of the woman she just shoved aside. I didn't hear anything, but apparently she had said something because then this woman turns to her and says "Do YOU have a problem or something? Tough Shit." Turned back and stood there. And nobody said boo. The train came rolling in and no one shoved her in front of it. And the woman who she had just 1) shoved aside to cut in front of 2) had her book knocked almost out of her hands by a gigantic tote/feed bag because of and 3) dissed in front of about 25 other people; Just. Stood. There.
I know from long years of experience the city-bred virtue of minding your own business, but I couldn't help myself. I waited until the train had come to a complete stop and opened it's doors so she could hear me and then turned to the cow and said; "No donut for you." And continued on my merry way.
And I KNOW she heard me. And, for once, she kept her damn cakehole shut.
And just on a different note, this whole coupon thing is a nice thought and sometimes it is the thought that counts, like when your Great Aunt Hortense knitted you some underpants for your birthday, but c'mon. Giving me a coupon so I can go stand in yet ANOTHER line in a crowded place with a bunch of rude employees yelling at me to move along is not a good idea. Take that money you've spent on the deal with DD, and buy some new trains so you can put more cars in service, so you won't have to stand around, giving out coupons for acting like a decent human being. It can be my Christmas present.

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