1) I really tried to watch the British, and therefore, I assumed, "cooler" version of "The Office". (I don't care about my street cred in terms of what television I watch, but I am really picky about my tube time) I think Ricky Gervais is really great in his "I'm trying so hard to not be a dork, that it makes me an even BIGGER dork" mode. I thought "Extras" was perfect. I've worked on so many films with people like that. My favorite moments are a toss-up between Kate Winslet's Oscar-grubbing hints and Ben Stiller's Balkan Meltdown. Therefore, I should have loved the British "Office" right? I actually found it to be so realistic that it was painful to watch. I get enough stomach churning vicarious humiliation at my own day job.
2) My aforementioned precious tube time is usually spent either looking for new episodes of "Teletubbies" in the On Demand menu for Chloe, or watching this week's episode of "Real Time with Bill Maher".
3) Despite the fact that it came out in theaters about 18 months ago, I just saw "The Forty Year Old Virgin" a couple of months ago when I was out on maternity leave. Maybe it was the raging hormones, but I totally fell for Steve Carell's nice loser guy schtick. Something about his bike helmet wearing, D & D figure dialogues, and all around wistfullness makes him highly likable.
So with all of this in mind, please forgive me for coming late to the table. I've been spending most of my weekend watching the American version of "The Office" and trying to keep from pissing myself laughing.

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