Sunday, October 19, 2008

5 Good Knitting Sites and Why They Rock

Whoo! FINALLY getting a chance to post something! It's been a crazy week, what with my husband being out of town, my toddler going for the potty training full throttle (she's even started asking for something to read while she's on the throne OMG) and mucho michegaus with working on some client leads...

But enough about me, here are some sites that I've collected that deal with various aspects of knitting. Some are educational, others are just fun to read. Enjoy!

Knitting Help
Why it rocks: Free knitting videos, a nice modern interface and patterns. Also a photowall which is pretty cool.

Stitchy McYarn Pants
Why it rocks: Even the name of the site cracks me up. When you slip a stitch, go here to get away and find side-splitting examples of day-glo, acrylic knitted beer can hats and other rummage sale flash-backs. (Jennsweb trivia: I went to Mass Art with the blog's author and her sense of humor has sharpened with age like a fine gouda)

Queer Joe's Knitting Blog
Why it rocks: More than just a series of tutorials and odes to cable stitches, Joe blogs about everything from politics, to his impending retirement, to his partner Thaddeus's passion for mushroom foraging.

Fake Sheep Blog
Why it rocks: It's a beautifully designed Wordpress site run by a New Zealand vegan who only knits with non-animal fibers. In New Zealand, which has more sheep than people. 'Nuff said.

Knitty Blog
Why it rocks: This is a great online resource for the initiated, dedicated knitter who wants to keep up with what's new in the world of knitting. Also, patterns galore (some of which actually transcend the "I'm a crafty knitter type!" look) and a link to a cool cafepress store.

That's it for now. Enjoy!

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