Saturday, January 31, 2009

Creepiest Cast Credits Ever

So I have 2 different film magazines with big 2008 fall movie lineups both with big photo spreads on the Hillicoat-directed adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's "The Road". I figured they might be worth something someday because both covers trumpet the November 2008 release of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" days before Warner Brothers announced delaying the film until July 2009 in order to have a "big tent-pole release" in the summer.(does anyone else feel the urge to giggle when they hear this phrase? Or am I the only one with the brain of a 12 year old boy?)

Anyway we're approaching February and still no big promo push for what promises to be an insanely powerful film. I mean, you've got Viggo Mortenson pushing a shopping cart through a post-apocalyptic landscape! It's "Mad Max" meets Demoula's on a Saturday! What's not to love?
Well- if you check out the cast credits on IMDB, maybe the studio powers that be think it may be a little risky to release a film with character names like "Baby Eater" and "Cannibal #2" in today's economic climate. Not exactly a date movie I'm guessing.

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