Thursday, September 24, 2009

Things I learned about Gorillas today

One of the perks of working on the set de-construction for Zookeeper is you get "behind the scenes" access to the exhibits. It's a little surreal looking up from dismantling a streetlight to realize that you are the main attraction for a herd of kangaroos, but it beats "cubicle world".

Went to the Tropical Rainforest exhibit on my coffee break and started talking to one of the gorilla handlers. We found out that:

1. Gorillas will adopt other gorillas' babies.

2. They regurgitate their food so they can digest it better.

3. Their diet is so low in protein that they eat their own poop so they can get as much nutrition as possible.

4. They love parties and opening presents.

5. You can bake a gorilla-digestible birthday cake by substituting ground monkey chow for flour, sugar-free pineapple juice for sugar and frosting it with frozen yogurt. Apparently they cannot digest sugar or fat, so that's why their muscle tone is so amazing.

Oh, and also, I let a capuchin monkey nibble on my earlobe during my afternoon break but don't tell my husband!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Re-Union (Kinda)

Since quitting my "regular job" about 2 years ago, I hadn't set foot in the Park Plaza Hotel. I actually ended up back there for "Zookeeper" at 5am to set up for a big wedding scene. In the five years I worked there I never had reason to set foot in the Imperial Ballroom and it was pretty amazing to see the place. Kind of felt like the ballroom scene in "The Shining". The photo above is what the room looked like from the stage after 11 hours.

I had to get up yesterday morning at 3:45am and I have to say, the lady who works the overnight shift at the Salem Dunkin Donuts is a riot and managed to make me laugh at 4am.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Strange Synchronicity of the Day

Went to a birthday party and while talking to (commiserating) with another mom over the frequency of Laurie Berkner videos on Noggin, I mentioned my surprise at discovering that the Iowa Rapper Story that's been on the past few days is about "Leslie" of "RazzleDazzle" fame on "Yo Gabba Gabba". Turns out that mom's husband is the guy who started sending her videos to all his friends and sparked this whole frenzy. Thanks Kras! This story made my Saturday.

In other news...