Monday, July 12, 2010

How to find your photo uploads with the CForms Wordpress Plugin

I love the cforms plugin by Delicious Days just as much as the next Wordpress devotee, but there are a few things that (like too many WP plugins) are just left up to the user to figure out. After a client requested a form that let a user upload a photo to their website, I thought; "No sweat, there's a field to add an upload box." Half true. There is an option for a file upload box when you add a new field to your form, but there's some configuring that needs to be done on top of that. When you have a form with a file upload box created, there will be a File Uploads dropdown menu added to the settings menu below the forms in the cforms "Form Settings" dashboard. I've configured it like so:

I changed the absolute path to read:

and the relative path to say:

Then, it's important to specify the maximum file number in kilobytes or the upload won't work. I said 400 here.

But, when I checked the form that was sent as a test run, no photo was there! Where do the pictures actually go??

Turns out, they go to your uploads folder in your wp-content directory. So, if you know you have a form submittal with a photo, go to this url:

and you will see a listing of the photos as files.

Another tip: If you don't want your form to display the "Cforms by Delicious Days" underneath, go to Cforms>Style and in the stylesheet you've chosen for your form, go to where it has the classes for ".linklove" and set it to display:none;