Wednesday, February 08, 2006

It's a small world after all...

Doing the usual lunchtime browsing and I found this site on

I get a ton of charitable solicitations in the mail every week so I bookmarked it in my account for future reference. I love it when I find a site that is something I was always thinking would be a good idea. rates charities on an impartial basis so one can see how they do with distributing your hard earned cash.

Then, lo and behold, I'm scrolling down the page and I see that the site's search engine optimization is done by Spidersplat, an internet consulting firm located in the building I work in and staffed by Dave Pye of Pye in the Face fame!

Between all the tagging and posting and blogging people do, it feels like that Six Degrees of Separation thing, just with a few degrees less.

1 comment:

Dave Pye said...

Hi Jen! Thanks for the shout out. I work for myself now, over at and from my home office in the North End. I hope Park Plaza is still rocking.