It's November 7th and finally time to hand in those ballots. Unfortunately, I have to sit this round of democracy in action out due to childcare/transportation/space time continuum logistics. It's funny how we all live in a society where you can go online to pay bills, order groceries, post photos, take surveys and a host of other things that would be nice to do privately and securely, but we can't seem to get out the vote online. Hmm. I guess all those nice old ladies who always seems to be the ones in charge at the polling stations need to feel needed. At any rate, I'm glad to live in a place where it's little old ladies with cookies when you go to vote instead of big guys in body armor with machine guns (see: Iraq).
If I could get a chance to vote today, I would vote Democrat down the line. Empirically, most of the people in my immediate vicinity seem to be slightly worse off now than they were under the Clinton Administration so I think it's time to try the other way for a change.
Link of the Day award goes to the Southern Poverty Law Center for their interactive map of hate groups currently operating in the US. Most embarrassing is the fact that South Carolina, my home state, reportedly has 46 hate groups, third behind Florida (50) and California (52). Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, North Dakota and New Mexico all have 0 reported hate groups. This is starting to put Vermont in the running for state I would most likely emigrate to. I use the term emigrate, because with all of Vermont's dissatisfaction with Washington, I wouldn't be surprised if it cut its ties with the union altogether.
Click on this to view the MILOTD (Most Ironic Link Of The Day)

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