Rode to work with the predictable babble coming over the waves from talk radio. Two men called in the span of five minutes to say we should just round up all Muslims and kill them. All of this before anyone could say who had claimed responsibility. Which I know sounds really naive but there are lots of angry people running around the planet right now. Pointing at one group and yelling "C'mon let's kill all those guys!" doesn't really do much except make those that are looking for things to get angry about go absolutely berserk. It's people like this that make me wonder if Darwin really was right. Anyone dumb enough to advocate rounding up anyone who follows a certain idea or who looks a certain way and thinks that will take care of their problems should have difficulty remembering to draw breath. Anyone whose mind works at any level above the limbic system should be able to notice that threatening something or someone with extinction tends to make them fight back harder. Which, ironically, is kind of what "War of the Worlds" and "Land of the Dead" are about.

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