Here's a fun mental exercise to practice. When you scan through or, find a story that almost strains their credibility as a news source and mentally verbalize how you will explain it to your sarcastic know-it-all 15 year-old in the future. Take for example this whole
CIA leak story. This is going to be a tough one. "But mom, didn't Karl Rove get fired for outing the CIA Agent as revenge for her husband deflating the Bush administration's hot air balloon about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction?" "No dear, he was pardoned by President Schwartzenegger. Now finish your genetically engineered peas."
And might I add, thank you to Slate for their wonderful choice of words for a headline. Our office IT guy loved when he sat at my station to work on my new e-mail address and saw the words "turd blossom" on my task bar.

We are going to have some "splainin" to do
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