I would develop several of the 800 domain names I've purchased on impulse, devise some revenue streams and generate more of a supplemental income. I have the skills and the know how, I just don't have the free time. I'm lying - I actually could find the time if I really wanted to. They say you can make time for anything. Unfortunately, Celebrity Big Brother 6 started last night, so I'm pretty much booked for the next 60 evenings."
Muchos Gracias to David Pye of Pye in the Face fame for putting it so succinctly. I wish I had the time to purchase 800 domain names.
I had one of those bizarre bursts of energy that one gets at random times during a pregnancy and coupled with an overflow of the nesting instinct discussed on June 3rd, 2005, I was up at 8am after falling into bed at 2am Sunday morning. I got my Six Feet Under fix out of the way, went to Target and walked around for an hour just looking at stuff. You know you are turning into a suburb dweller when you can admit to yourself that you actually enjoy walking around Target mentally cataloguing all the different products they have created using Isaac Mizrahi and Hello Kitty as their inspiration.
I actually had a list of stuff I wanted to get done on the computer, but decided to put together our new bassinet, which involved cleaning out a corner of the bedroom, which then involved taking a load of laundry down to the basement. After that, I had to assemble the frame, which involved finding W-40, which involved digging around under the kitchen sink and discovering a forgotten box of electrical tools from my freelance film days. Now I wanted to drop everything and organize under the sink, thinking ahead 9 months down the road when the baby will start crawling everywhere. I took a deep breath and managed to stay on track. The frame was assembled and now the next step was getting a crescent wrench to tighten the eyebolt. Now I was stuck. I quickly realized, after looking through three boxes of old tools spread out between two floors that there might be 2 big flashlights, 3 hammers and 50 screwdrivers deposited throughout the house, there wasn't a crescent wrench to be found. The only ones we had were outside in my husband's tool bag in the trunk of his car and it was starting to get icy in the driveway.
I decided that the eyebolt tightening step could be skipped and put the rest of the bassinet together. At this point it was taking up so much of the bedroom that I had to finish it. And now I was ready to finish the laundry and bake cookies. First I had to organize the baby's dresser drawers. Fortunately, no tools were involved and it took about 5 minutes.
Now it was on to the living room and the mountain of papers that I had accumulated over the past 2 months. I had figured out that the reason I don't file much at home is because it's a pain to shove the folders back and forth and stuff the bills in. So I made a decision to clean out the old paperwork from the files while I finished watching a DVD of Six Feet Under, season 4. Another box of worms, but I plowed through and collected a pile a foot and a half high of paperwork that could go down to the basement. By now it was 8 o'clock and I wanted to eat dinner and watch the Simpsons. After that, finally, I made cookies and put the laundry in the dryer.
So it was 10 o'clock on Sunday night and the house was clean, there were chocolate chip cookies cooling on the kitchen table and the laundry was almost dry. Now I had a whole 2 hours ahead of me to do everything on my list that I had put together on Friday. The giant pile of assorted tools in the middle of the bedroom floor could wait another day.

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