If you look at my post of December 7th, 2005, the headline "Testify!" originally linked to an article on Boston.com that described testimony in which New Orleans residents said they had rifles trained on their children by National Guardsmen who had been sent to "protect" them. The article specifically quoted Christopher Shays, a Republican Senator from Connecticut who told a witness that he did not believe her testimony since he could not imagine such things happening. Overall, the article gave the impression that a bunch of Republicans did not believe that a bunch of lower income people could have negative interaction with law enforcement during a crisis. Unfortunately for the Republicans, there have been numerous eyewitness accounts from different sources that describe what the testifiers saw.
BUT, if you were to follow the link today, here is what you find. A rather bland description of how several Republican members of Congress are concerned about how Federal aid is being distributed. Of course, tracing funds is something Congress should be on top of, but why doesn't the article match the headline or the photo of Mama D?
Just curious.

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