The link above takes you to an article that talks about why people are moving out of Massachusetts in droves. A lot of the people who contribute have the opinion that the economy here is "piss poor". Okay. I did a search once on Craig's List for web design jobs in the South Carolina area. My mother had told me that my grandparents' huge, southern colonial with full garage, basement and front and back yard was on sale for $150,000 asking price and it hadn't sold yet so the price might come down. Guess what? NO JOBS. Go look on Craig's List New England. JOBS GALORE.
If you take into account the fact that test scores have plummeted in Massachusetts, people are complaining more and more about lazy undisciplined parents and their spoiled kids, maybe the key to the whole mystery is the fact that the level of education in Mass. has seriously declined over the past few decades. Bad education=bad employment potential. Bad employment potential=bad jobs. Bad jobs=bad pay. Bad pay=not being able to afford a house in Massachusetts anymore. Has this state managed to shortchange its taxpayers so badly in the education department that they can't afford to stay here and keep paying more and more property taxes, therefore, forcing them to leave and further depopulate the tax paying pool?
Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

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