The first year I saw Boston's annual Gay Pride Parade, it was all tan muscular men with perfect hair dressed up as either sailors or Uncle Sam. That was in 2002. The next year everyone was wearing rainbow colored signs that said things like "F**K Bush". Last year was all happily married couples. By this year, all the different issues seemed to cancel each other out until all that was left was a swarming, sweating mass of WASP people with nice smiles and rainbow tie-dyed shirts happily pushing rainbow-flag festooned strollers of adopted children who appeared to be either bewildered by all the attention or suffering from the onset of sunstroke.
There's always a photo-op everywhere you look and most people are really great about getting their picture taken. However,I wish I had brought a video camera to record priceless moments like the yuppie mom complaining to her friends; "Where are all the fun gays?" She screeched over the sound of the Ramrod's thudding bass-heavy mix. "This is so boring! It's all political stuff now!"
Therein lies the rub. At what point does one say "These people do not exist for my sole entertainment. They are here and queer and have just as much right to wear tan Dockers as anyone else."
Of course, if you really must dress up as an eight foot tall rainbow colored dildo to express yourself, then that is just fine by me too. And even though the Surgeon General has begun to express mild reservations about the health consequences of being so big that you might require your own zip code, I am glad to live in a part of the country where so many women feel that they are entitled to display such an achievement by wearing nothing but a pair of army shorts.
Anyway, if you want to check out some pictures, click here.

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